Jabalpur is one of major cities in Madhya Pradesh, more preciously 3rd agglomeration having 1,267,564 humans with a good literacy rate 89 still, city is no less than a mess.
Today i thought over a visiting computer shops as I am in need of laptop, i went to market with a local driver names Ramesh in my Maruti Dzire, thank God, he was local or i opps we(me and driver) were almost dead after running over a pretty.
Coming to the point, There no traffic lights in many places and even few got they are dead or yellow blinking light, even in CROSS ROADS, no traffic police, i rarely saw them, if i do just one and that one lost somewhere or busy on mobile phone or standing looking everyone going how they like and its not easy to drive there as there is no police to stop, go in wrong side or pass the red light, its like you have done noting wrong, even my driver told me that, if you will hit someone or got hit by someone its better to run away(as i am new) person on other side will not leave peacefully dosent matter whose mistake it is either fight or run.
Second thing i noticed is garbage, garbage every where, even the shopping complex smell so bad, that you will not like to even enter them.Untrained Staff
Third, untrained staff at places like Reliance fresh, Buy here or Hell off with a un-satisfaction, no one cares.City People
Fourth, this is good one, people here may be harsh on roads but are helpful, at least they know to smile or say welcome for a thanks, i am not kidding i have seen/faced many people in Jaipur(a good damm place) who dont give damm about you.City Might be Bigger in MAP but still backward.
Rating - 2/5
Disclaimer - This article is not written to hurt any ones feeling, even i am a citizen of MP and love my state as well as Country but we really need to change, this is written so that it might come in notice of concerned one and might take any step to improve.
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